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6 tips how to improve and enlarge your vocabulary

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6 tips how to prepare for your online lesson

Hello Everyone! Online courses provide many benefits and challenges. Flexibility is the biggest advantage of taking online lessons. You can easily connect with people from all over the world, at any convenient time and from any place. You have the access to the wide range of resources which you can use to practice your skills and broaden your knowledge. The Internet connects you with anyone no matter the distance.  Saving your time is another issue. Everybody knows that "time is money". Nowadays, we are busy and we cannot afford to spend to much time on getting from one place to another. Online lessons are perfect solution if you want to have the highest quality of service (but e.g. you live in a small city, or you choose a tutor who travels the world), you are stay-at-home parent or your working hours are inconvenient. Many people are stressed before the first online lesson, they don't know what to expect and how to prepare. In this post you can find 6 tips which w...

8 expressions which you can find in a job offer

Hi Everyone! Nowadays, many companies post their job offers in English. one of my favorite websites related to job searching is LinkedIn. I love it not only because of interesting positions from all over the world but also it is a great source of knowledge related to every industry. for me it is like Facebook for companies, where they can promote themselves and show their current actions, events, milestones, plans and working environment. In this post I explain 8 expressions which you can find in a job offer. I hope that job offers will be more clear for you now or if you work in HR department it will be easier for you to prepare one :) ENJOY! 1. Responsibilities/Accountabilities/Duties - being in charge of sth., making sure that tasks are made correctly. E.g. consulting supporting team members coordinating managing maintaining delivering leading 2. Location - the place where the company in which a job offer is available, is located. E.g. Gdańsk,...

5 pairs of words that look or sound similar (or same) but have different meaning

Hello Everyone! Do you know that there are pairs of words in English which look or sound similar or even same but they carry different meanings? There are plenty of them! Unfortunately, they are confusing for many students and many people have problems with both spelling and pronunciation. Today I prepared 5 pairs of such words and I hope that this post will help you to broaden your vocabulary and teach you how to use them correctly! Photo by Plush Design Studio from Pexels RAW / rɔː /   definition: food or product which is not cooked e.g. raw meat, raw vegetables synonyms: uncooked, fresh, undone sentence: I’m cooking a dinner, but we have to wait about 20 minutes, the chicken is still raw. ROW / rəʊ / definition: people or things arranged in a way that they create a line synonyms: chain, formation sentence: She is the most famous fashion editor,...

6 tips how to learn English from social media

Hello Everyone! How important is the knowledge of foreign languages? There can be only one possible answer - it is crucial. There are three most popular languages in the world - Mandarin, Spanish and English. But English is considered to be the universal one, the language in which all world communicates, and which gives you the sense of freedom and independence, because wherever you go - Asia, Africa or Middle East there will always be someone to talk to you in English. What is more, people travel, flights are quite cheap and the world became a global village.  Due to the fact that people all over the world live fast, work a lot and try to enjoy their leisure time, they don't have too much time to learn. Social media is one of the best sources of language materials for everyday, systematic studying. What's more, it gives you an opportunity to practice your language regularly and to a certain level - for free. Moreover, you can easily find native speakers and speaking b...

Jak napisać (formalny) e-mail po angielsku?

Cześć! Wiem ile trudności może sprawiać napisanie e-maila po angielsku do kontrahenta lub współpracownika. Poniżej spisałam kilka zwrotów oraz porad, które ułatwią wam to zadanie. ENJOY! ORGANIZACJA TREŚCI 1.       Greeting/Opening 2.       Reason for writing 3.       Ordering information 4.       Conclusion 5.       Closing PRZYDATNE ZWROTY Greeting/Opening Dear Sir/Madame, - Szanowny Panie/Pani Good morning Jack, - Dzień dobry Jack, Hello/Hi John, - Cześć John,  Reason for writing Thank you for your email. – Dziękuję za wiadomość. I’m writing to inform you that … - Piszę, aby poinformować o… Just a quick e-mail to let you know… - Krótki email, aby poinformować o… Further to our conversation, I confirm that… - W nawiązaniu do naszej rozmowy… Ordering i nformation Firstly, - Po pierwsze Second...