Hi Everyone! One of the most common questions which I get from my Students and Instagram followers is: "How to learn and broaden vocabulary?". In this post I want to share with you some useful tips how to do it effectively. Vocabulary is one of the crucial issues when it comes to learning a foreign language. If we want to speak, write and understand a language we have to know a certain range of words. What is more, the way how we speak or write shows our educational background, profession and even a social status. If you know many words it's also easier to communicate and you can be perceived as more intelligent. So do you want to know the secret to expand vocabulary? I'm sure you do! So please read and share my tips! 1. Little and often A long list of single words which you have to memorize can be demotivating. Instead of learning two pages of words once a week divide it into smaller parts and learn everyday on your way to work, s...